
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

My own little slice of the world.

Well hi there! 
Finally we have moved and started to get settled in. 
There have been big changes for (almost) everyone. 
Little madam has a new school. 
Hubby has a man cave room and a new electric guitar and bass 
Asti (the dog) has new food bowls (hey, it's a huge change in her world!)
And as of today I'm unemployed....until next Tuesday anyhow when I start with a fantastic new company. Still retail management but a much more prestigious position. 

We still aren't completely unpacked.
(And still don't have real Internet on until next week!) 
But what I have realised is that we have a whole bunch of crap we don't really need. So while unpacking I have been culling anything we don't need and simplifying our world. 

I've read so many blog posts (and articles and books) about how living with less is easier. I always thought it was a load of bollocks. Now in our own house that we know we aren't moving from any time in the near future it all makes more sense! I've been getting super serious about it, I've even culled 20 or so pairs of shoes!! 

It also makes things easier to keep clean! (Which my neat freak husband is loving!)

I'm nowhere near finished my culling binge but I can see a improvement already. 

There has been zero decorating done so far, but I'm aiming to pop my painting cherry on 5 days off. (Will update if I get it all done)

So signing off for now

Much love


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Home is where all my stuff is!

Well...Hello hello! 

I'm just popping in to assure everyone I haven't disappeared or anything drastic. 
I have just been crazy crazy busy. 
And stressed. 
And a whole lot of excited. 

I have massive news. 

No, I'm not pregnant. 


We bought a house!! 

Settlement is due to go through on the 26th of this month and we will move in as soon as we can after that. 

And then the decoration starts.

And you are all going to get super spammed with posts about paint colours and room layouts. 

Ok so they won't actually be that boring. I'm going to aim to get some DIY posts happening as I'm pretty handy like that. 

So until then I'm going to keep a bit quieter than I would like to be. 

Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. 

Much love

Sunday, May 19, 2013

One single thing.

Hi lovelys!
I've had a wonderful weekend. I very much hope you all have as well.
This weekend has provided a unique experience for me. There was no jumping off bridges, no wrestling of sharks, no eating of unknown animal entrails.
It was unique in almost inaudible whisper kind of way.
For the first time in many,many, many years I was given a vote of confidence and competency by someone outside of my "inner circle"
It's funny how without actually saying the words " believe in you" a single gesture can instill a waterfall effect of self belief.
All of a sudden the little negative voice inside is shouted down and retreats into its nest. The sun is sunnier, the birds seem to actually sing rather than just screech incessantly.
And I wonder if the one person who started this snow ball effect actually knows how big of a deal it actually is.

I'm off to go enjoy my weekend but before I do there is someone I want to say a big thank you to. You know who you are

Much love


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Fortune favours the brave.

My sweet baby girl is officially a school kid.
The amount of attitude I get sometimes fills me with terror when I consider the teenage years.
If stubbornness (is that even a word??!) is a genetic trait then it's going to be a bumpy ride at times. Anyone who has ever met me can confirm that I have it in spades and her dad is just as bad as I am, if not worse!

Let me add however that being stubborn and sticking to your guns isn't always a bad thing. It's what will make her a vivacious, motivated determined woman later on. A cyclonic force to be reckoned with.
But dealing with these same traits I'm proud that she possesses as a parent will be exceedingly challenging at (many) times. Especially when I know that I'm just as bad!

I had a moment of clarity about the whole thing today while asking her for what I swear was the 17th time in less than 30 minutes to go into the bathroom and start getting ready to have a shower to wash the days worth of sweat, dirt and play before getting into her PJ's.
She marched into the bathroom. Crossed her arms, pouted and said defiantly "NO."

I explained to her that she has been unwell and a shower will make her feel a lot better and that her hair needed to be washed and blow dried before bedtime (She has had a cold and a shocking cough, the blow drying was only to prevent getting sicker, I'm not creating one of "those" girls!)

Again arms crossed it came out...
"You walk around telling me what to do, what not to do! Trying to make me be like you! Well, I'm not going to be like you!"

The best part about it was that it was said in a Scottish accent.

My precocious little madam was quoting movie lines at me!!
(Disney pixar's Brave in this case, good movie and worth watching if you haven't seen it, I may or may not have cried...)

Big deep breath and try and stifle a giggle...

Managed to get her into the shower and all was relatively normal for the restore the night.

It's now 11pm and I'm thinking about how I would have loved to reply to the whole situation had she been able to understand exactly what I was saying"

"No baby girl. I don't want you to be like me.
I want you to be BETTER than me.
All any parent ever wants for their child is to not develop the same flaws and weaknesses that have held or inhibited their own lives or character.
I don't want you to be perfect.
Perfect is overrated.
I just want you to be a better person than I am.
I want you to learn from my mistakes although I know that you will have to make some of your own to find your own way in life.
Right now I tell you what to do and what not to do because I have your best interests at heart.
I love you and I'm doing the best I can. One day I won't be here to make decisions for you. You will have to do it on your own and I want to make sure you are ready for that.
Now please hop in the shower and wash the dirt off your face"

The funniest thing is I remember saying the same thing to my mum as a teenager (without the accent...although that would have been awesome in hindsight!)

It's going to a long road but at least if she sticks with the accents there are career options out there for her.

Much love


Friday, April 5, 2013

I think my husband is haunted.

I think my husband is haunted.

Yup you read that right.

I have always been interested in the paranormal side of life.

My mum has "dreams"
My brother saw people's "colours" (Aura's)
My great grandmother was born in Singapore and was apparently psychic.

I've seen things I can't explain.

But nothing compared to the experiences I've had since meeting my husband 6 years ago.

I honestly believe he has someone attached to him and has for many many years.

His mum believes the same.

And so does he.

The number of strange occurrences that happen when he is around increases the longer he is home for, meaning that since leaving the defence force this has increased exponentially.

I don't believe what ever is attached to him is evil in any way. If anything it seems protective and somewhat maternal.

Maybe it's that same entity that use to check on his brother when he was younger when he woke during the night?
Maybe it's what keeps him safe when he does all the random dangerous situations he seems to get him self into?
Maybe it just likes watching him in the shower? (Wouldn't blame it/her)

My two big concerns are
1)That one day one day whatever it is will morph into something not so harmless (or something else darker will decide to get in on the action and attach it's self to him)
2)That little madam has picked up this "gift" as well.

But for now I'm guessing our slightly dysfunctional threesome of a marriage will continue. Me, him and the dead thing.

Much love.


Saturday, March 9, 2013

All the cool kids wear shades

* this is not a sponsored post (as in I wasn't paid anything to say stuff) however I was gifted an awesome pair of sunglasses after the lovely people sunglasses shop saw my Facebook post about killing off my last fave pair.
Postage was from the UK but it arrived in Perth in 10 working days (faster than some of the mail my mum sends from regional NSW!)
Well worth taking a bit of a look around. Great prices and great styles.

My wish list! ;) (these are the ones that i got)

Hubby's wish list!

And all the ones little madam wants for her birthday (which isn't until June and her list has been worked on since Christmas!)

Thursday, February 21, 2013


So February. The month that New Years resolutions are already feeling like a life time ago. School, work and all the other busy aspects of life is chugging along like a off beat Groundhog Day scenario. All pretty mundane and boring expectations of the entire month really.

However February for me has been a massive eye opener.
It took one pretty massive argument with my husband to completely rock me to my core
An argument that to anyone on the outside didn't seem to be a big deal. No yelling, not even slightly raised voices and a relatively calm exterior to it all. But underneath I was reeling.

It was a massive bombshell that had taken me over 5 years to become aware of

I have been a dick!

In so many issues in marriages the husband is always blamed. In my case I realised it was all me. I've been a pushy, bossy controlling bitch and blamed him for everything.

The reality was that I have become so closed off to any wrongdoing on my part that I couldn't even see what I had been doing was wrong. It wasn't until I heard some things I said come out that I started to dawn on me.
I have been doing every single thing women complain about men doing. I wasn't emotionally available, I pick fights, I don't show any appreciation for all the things he does for me. I never even say thankyou!

It wasn't my marriage that had issues. It was me

I know that this must sound like the biggest heap of brainwashed bulldust you have ever heard. And I'm not writing this for him (he doesn't actually read my blog. He's pretty anti social media to be honest)
I'm writing this for me and maybe the one other person that this may help.

He has never been anything but supportive, respectful, thoughtful and understanding of me.
I know for a fact I'm not an easy person to live with but I never knew how difficult and spoilt-bratish I actually was. I wasn't listening to him and I wasn't listening to myself.

So after this "moment" of self awareness I I did what any Gen-Y woman would do with an issue. I googled and I googled and I googled some more. Nada. Nothing I could find seemed to be the right fit. I I considered (and still considering) spiritual guidance. (Will experiment to see what I the right fit as I'm not a religious person)

The other good old fashion fallback plan for women trying to fix something is self help books. Mindfulness for dummy's and the happiness project are currently sitting on my bedside table being devoured in every spare quiet moment to myself.

There is light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully it's not a speeding freight train

Much love.


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Gomi and Aussie mummy bloggers

Hello all!

Because everyone else is doing it I'm being a "sheeple" (sheep people- someone following the herd) and throwing my 2cents into the ring.

For those out of the loop GOMI stands for "get off my internets" and is a snark forum. (Snark being snide remarks)
There has recently been a topic about Australian mummy bloggers started and many of the big names have been mentioned in fairly unfavorable terms.

It has a heap of panties in a twist in the blogosphere.

It sounds twisted..

(and I know that this wont go down well!)


.... (Pause for effect..)

I love GOMI.

I have read a heap of threads including the one about Aussies and because I adore lists I'm going to tell you why.

(IF you are still reading that is)

1) As a fledgling blogger it pretty much sums up a lot of do's and dont's, especially in regards to transparency of post types (eg sponsored posts vs review posts) It turns out that I'm not alone in my frustration when reading a post on someone's blog and discovering in the fine print at the bottom of the page that it is indeed a sponsored post and financial remuneration was received to post it. Not that I'm against bloggers getting paid for what they do. It's by no means easy money I imagine. However I would like to know in the first line if its a sponsored post (paid for) or a review post (products received) or a mix of both (products and payment)
*note- if you are ever unsure about any of my blog posts and the motive behind them PLEASE leave me a comment and ask!! I would hate to be a hypocrite!

2) I have discovered a heap of fantastic blogs that I would not have found otherwise via the links and naming of them.

3) Mixed in with all the snark is a lot of praise. When something is liked it is shared. (Referred to as SOMI, stay on my internets)

4) Bloggers don't always get a lot of feedback. People just stop reading a lot of the time. It's nice to get an insight as to why.

5) It makes me feel validated in my decision not to include anything about my daughter or husband. Yes I'm currently on top of my high horse but each to their own and what works for some may be a deal breaker for others.

Really I just see GOMI as a giant international brainstorm session and anonymous feedback form. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and by reading them you can learn a lot.

So signing off for tonight. I'm off to google product placement fauxtography ideas (jokes!!)

Much love

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Is serious blogger an oxymoron?

Hello hello!

Stupidly spent last night online until way too late rather than making the most of having a whole bed to myself for the night and I started thinking while reading some articles about blogging about what sort of direction I would ultimately like Pathetic to Pinup to go in.
While many of my ideas were pretty far fetched on the reality radar (like being sponsored by a pinup clothing company or shoe company to attend blog conferences in Australia and overseas while supplying me with amazing items to test out and giveaway enabling me to be completely decked out to enter miss pinup Australia....Not very likely right!)

I did start to ponder the ideal of a "serious blogger" and if its really an oxymoron much like military intelligence.

Blogging in Australia from all accounts is a vastly different ball game to being a well known blogger in the USA. I'm guessing none of us are making 7 figures a year from blogging alone.

So to be a "serious blogger" in Australia what is the criteria that needs to be met?

I would love to know what should be added to this checklist. (And therefore how I stack up)
Which Australian bloggers would you class as serious bloggers and why?

Hopefully things will get cleared up for me ;)

Much love


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Taking it all off...My hair colour. Review and giveaway

Disclaimer- This is not a sponsored post... However the products used were sent to me as a gift as well as the giveaway product. :)

Now that that is out of the way and I've done the right thing by letting you know how I got the product I used in my hot little hands (Don't you hate when bloggers don't mention that until the end of the post, if they even mention it at all. LAME!)

I was sent a spiffy little package from a hair product company breaking into the Australian market called Jo Baz. From what I can find in google searches its already readily available in the UK but only just making its way into the great southern land.

I was sent 3 boxes. One of max strength hair colour remover, one of normal strength colour remover and their keratin based hair straightening product. The max strength remover is the one I used today.

Jo Baz Max Strength Hair Colour Remover 

Some back story...I have been colouring my hair in some way or another since I was 13. I'm now 26 and have no idea what my natural colour is. My last colour I put in was a black permanent home colour. It had started to fade slightly to dark brown but there was no way I was going to be able to update my colour without growing it out or bleaching it as nothing would have coloured over it.

The JoBaz hair colour remover was easy to use. It gives simple step by step instructions that although they take a while to complete wasn't fussy or complicated. It was super stinky so make sure you use it in a well ventilated area but it was by no means intolerable. And the results were pretty surprising.



My hair feels slightly dryer than usual when wet but no significant damage that I can detect and it still feels soft and silky now that its dry. I didn't even need to put a treatment through!

Now for the fun bit. I have a box of the normal strength colour remover to give away. The catch is that you need to review it for the Jo Baz peeps. So have you had a hair colour fail recently that you need help with or like me you have gone too dark and now want a change?
Comment below with your story and I will announce the winner in 3 weeks time when I review the straightening product (need to give my hair a bit of a rest)
Make sure you also like the Pathetic to Pin up up facebook page (here)

Jo Baz is available from Priceline in Australia if you want to try it out :)

Much love


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